Compact design, bigger experience.

The Gold Club Symphony 4 electronic roulette, a new addition to the Symphony family of roulettes. This 4-position roulette stands out for its elegant and innovative design, ideal for limited spaces. Symphony 4 is built on years of experience in producing market-leading roulettes and uses the latest technology to deliver a product which is attractive and intuitive to giving players an engaging gaming experience. 


Weight 480 kg / 1058 lb
Width 2068 mm / 81.42 in 
Depth 1935 mm / 76.18 in
Height PP 783 mm / 30.83 in
Height horizontal sign 2250 mm / 88.58 in
Height vertical sign 2721 mm / 107.12 in
Voltage 230VAC/50 Hz
               110 VAC/60 Hz

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